Personal Reflection Journal

Browsing Archive: February, 2010

My Wave...

Posted by Catherine Rousseau on Wednesday, February 24, 2010,
Imagine a wave - hovering over you for your whole live, holding in it everything you've done, all the things you've wished you've done, everything that has happened to you, and everything you have pushed into the darkness of your subconscious. Imagine the wave, day after day, dripping fragments of those moments and thoughts down your neck, never letting you forget, or let go of the things that have made you you.

I have met my wave. And although, we don't know each other well enough to be able...
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What is your emerging definition of literacy

Posted by Catherine Rousseau on Tuesday, February 16, 2010,
Literacy is something I am still struggling to understand. If someone were to ask me what literacy is, my first reply would be "the ability to critically understand something". This understanding could come through seeing, reading, hearing, experiencing... and so fourth. what is important in the definition is the critical understanding.

What I mean by a critical understanding is to understand of multiple levels. If you can take a question, answer it, then ask another question sparked by that ...
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Freire Chapters

Posted by Catherine Rousseau on Tuesday, February 16, 2010,
Freire's work is important for any educator. In a previous class, Critical Pedagogy, we read many excerpts of Freire's work in order to clearly understand ways of dynamically and critically teaching. Freire points to major issues that are often neglected by teachers today. He brings attention to student based teaching, where the teacher must fully acknowledge the students abilities and conditions in order to not only appeal to the student, but to teach them in a way that is useful to them. He...
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